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Configuring Container Registries

Argo CD Image Updater comes with support for the following registries out of the box:

  • Docker Hub Registry
  • Google Container Registry (
  • RedHat Quay Registry (
  • GitHub Docker Packages (
  • GitHub Container Registry (

Adding additional (and custom) container registries is supported by means of a configuration file. If you run Argo CD Image Updater within Kubernetes, you can edit the registries in a ConfigMap resource, which will get mounted to the pod running Argo CD Image Updater.

Configuring a custom container registry

A sample configuration configuring a couple of registries might look like the following:

- name: Docker Hub
  ping: yes
  credentials: secret:foo/bar#creds
  defaultns: library
- name: Google Container Registry
  ping: no
  credentials: pullsecret:foo/bar
- name: RedHat Quay
  ping: no
  insecure: yes
  credentials: env:REGISTRY_SECRET
- name: GitHub Docker Packages
  ping: no
  tagsortmode: latest-first
- name: GitHub Container Registry
  ping: no
  tagsortmode: latest-last

The above example defines access to three registries. The properties have the following semantics:

  • name is just a symbolic name for the registry. Must be unique.

  • api_url is the base URL (without /v2 suffix) to the API of the registry

  • ping specifies whether to send a ping request to /v2 endpoint first. Some registries don't support this.

  • prefix is the prefix used in the image specification. This prefix will be consulted when determining the configuration for given image(s). If no prefix is specified, will be used as the default registry. The prefix is mandatory, except for one of the registries in the configuration.

  • credentials (optional) is a reference to the credentials to use for accessing the registry API (see below). Credentials can also be specified per image

  • insecure (optional) if set to true, does not validate the TLS certificate for the connection to the registry. Use with care.

  • defaultns (optional) defines a default namespace for images that do not specify one. For example, Docker Hub uses the default namespace library which turns an image specification of nginx:latest into the canonical name library/nginx:latest.

  • tagsortmode (optional) defines whether and how the list of tags is sorted chronologically by the registry. Valid values are latest-first (the last pushed image will appear first in list), latest-last (the last pushed image will appear last in list) or none (the default, list is not chronological sorted). If tagsortmode is set to one of latest-first or latest-last, Argo CD Image Updater will not request additional meta data from the registry if the <image_alias>.sort-mode is latest but will instead use the sorting from the tag list.

If you want to take above example to the argocd-image-updater-cm ConfigMap, you need to define the key registries.conf in the data of the ConfigMap as below:

  registries.conf: |
    - name: Docker Hub
      ping: yes
      credentials: secret:foo/bar#creds
      defaultns: library
    - name: Google Container Registry
      ping: no
      credentials: pullsecret:foo/bar
    - name: RedHat Quay
      ping: no
      credentials: env:REGISTRY_SECRET


Argo CD Image Updater pod must be restarted for changes to the registries configuration to take effect. There are plans to change this behaviour so that changes will be reload automatically in a future release.

Specifying credentials for accessing container registries

You can optionally specify a reference to a secret or an environment variable which contain credentials for accessing the container registry. If credentials are configured for a registry, they will be used as a default when accessing the registry and no dedicated credential is specified for the image that is being processed.

Credentials can be referenced as follows:

  • A typical pull secret, i.e. a secret containing a .dockerconfigjson field which holds a Docker client configuration with auth information in JSON format. This kind of secret is specified using the notation pullsecret:<namespace>/<secret_name>

  • A custom secret, which has the credentials stored in a configurable field in the format <username>:<password>. This kind of secret is specified using the notation secret:<namespace>/<secret_name>#<field_in_secret>

  • An environment variable which holds the credentials in the format <username>:<password>. This kind of secret is specified using the notation env:<env_var_name>.