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Update methods


Argo CD Image Updater supports several methods to propagate new versions of the images to Argo CD. These methods are also refered to as write back methods.

Currently, the following methods are supported:

  • argocd directly modifies the Argo CD Application resource, either using Kubernetes or via Argo CD API, depending on Argo CD Image Updater's configuration.

  • git will create a Git commit in your Application's Git repository that holds the information about the image to update to.

Depending on the write back method, further configuration may be possible.

The write back method and its configuration is specified per Application.

argocd write-back method

When using the Argo CD API to write back changes, Argo CD Image Updater will perform a similar action as argocd app set --parameter ... to instruct Argo CD to re-render the manifests using those parameters.

This method is pseudo-persistent. If you delete the Application resource from the cluster and re-create it, changes made by Image Updater will be gone. The same is true if you manage your Application resources using Git, and the version stored in Git is synced over the resource in the cluster. This method is most suitable for Applications also created imperatively, i.e. using the Web UI or CLI.

This method is the default and requires no further configuration.

git write-back method

Compatibility with Argo CD

The Git write-back method requires a feature in Argo CD that has been introduced with Argo CD v2.0. Git write-back will not work with earlier versions of Argo CD.

The git write-back method uses Git to permanently store its parameter overrides along with the Application's resource manifests. This will enable persistent storage of the parameters in Git.

By default, Argo CD Image Updater will store the parameter in a file named .argocd-source-<appName>.yaml in the path used by the Application to source its manifests from. This will allow Argo CD to pick up parameters in this file, when rendering manifests for the Application named <appName>. Using this approach will also minimize the possibility of merge conflicts, as long as no other party in your CI will modify this file.

A note on the application's target revision

Due to the nature of how Git write-back works, your application really should track a branch instead of a revision. If you track HEAD, a tag or a certain revision with your application, you must override the branch in an annotation (see below). But in order for Argo CD to pick up the change after Image Updater has committed & pushed the change, you really want to set it up so it tracks a branch.

To use the Git write-back method, annotate your Application with the right write-back method: git

In order to better decide whether this method is suitable for your use-case, this is the workflow how Argo CD Image Updater performs change to Git:

  • Fetch the remote repository from location specified by .spec.source.repoURL in the Argo CD Application manifest, using credentials specified as annotation (see below)
  • Check-out the target branch on the local copy. The target branch is either taken from an annotation (see below), or if no annotation is set, taken from .spec.source.targetRevision in the Application manifest
  • Create or update .argocd-source-<appName>.yaml in the local repository
  • Commit the changed file to the local repository
  • Push the commit to the remote repository, using credentials specified as annotation (see below)

The important pieces to this workflow are:

  • Credentials configured in Argo CD will be re-used, unless you override with a dedicated set of credentials

  • Write-back is a commit to the tracking branch of the Application.

  • If .spec.source.targetRevision does not reference a branch, you will have to specify the branch to use manually (see below)

General configuration

Configuration for the Git write-back method comes from two sources:

  • The Argo CD Application manifest is used to define the repository and the path where the .argocd-source-<appName>.yaml should be written to. These are defined in .spec.source.repoURL and .spec.source.path fields, respectively. Additionally, .spec.source.targetRevision is used to define the branch to commit and push the changes to. The branch to use can be overridden by an annotation, see below.

  • A set of annotations on the Application manifest, see below

Specifying Git credentials

By default Argo CD Image Updater re-uses the credentials you have configured in Argo CD for accessing the repository.

If you don't want to use credentials configured for Argo CD you can use other credentials stored in a Kubernetes secret, which needs to be accessible by the Argo CD Image Updater's Service Account. The secret should be specified in annotation using git:<credref> format. Where <credref> might take one of following values:

  • repocreds (default) - Git repository credentials configured in Argo CD settings
  • secret:<namespace>/<secret> - namespace and secret name.

Example: git:secret:argocd-image-updater/git-creds

If the repository is accessed using HTTPS, the secret must contain two fields: username which holds the Git username, and password which holds the user's password or a private access token (PAT) with write access to the repository. You can generate such a secret using kubectl, e.g.:

kubectl -n argocd-image-updater create secret generic git-creds \
  --from-literal=username=someuser \

If the repository is accessed using SSH, the secret must contain the field sshPrivateKey, which holds a SSH private key in OpenSSH-compatible PEM format. To create such a secret from an existing private key, you can use kubectl, for example:

kubectl -n argocd-image-updater create secret generic git-creds \

Specifying a branch to commit to

By default, Argo CD Image Updater will use the value found in the Application spec at .spec.source.targetRevision as Git branch to checkout, commit to and push back the changes it made. In some scenarios, this might not be what is desired, and you can (and maybe have to) override the branch to use by specifying the annotation on the Application manifest.

The value of this annotation will define the Git branch to use, for example the following would use GitHub's default main branch: main

Specifying a separate base and commit branch

By default, Argo CD Imager Updater will checkout, commit, and push back to the same branch specified above. There are many scenarios where this is not desired or possible, such as when the default branch is protected. You can add a separate write-branch by modifying with additional data, which will create a new branch from the base branch, and push to this new branch instead: base:target

If you want to specify a write-branch but continue to use the target revision from the application specification, just omit the base branch name: :target

A static branch name may not be desired for this value, so a simple template can be created (evaluating using the text/template Golang package) within the annotation. For example, the following would create a branch named image-updater-foo/bar-1.1 based on main in the event an image with the name foo/bar was updated to the new tag 1.1. main:image-updater{{range .Images}}-{{.Name}}-{{.NewTag}}{{end}}

Alternatively, to assure unique branch names you could use the SHA1 representation of the changes: main:image-updater-{{.SHA256}}

The following variables are provided for this template:

  • .Images is a list of changes that were performed by the update. Each entry in this list is a struct providing the following information for each change:
  • .Name holds the full name of the image that was updated
  • .Alias holds the alias of the image that was updated
  • .OldTag holds the tag name or SHA digest previous to the update
  • .NewTag holds the tag name or SHA digest that was updated to
  • .SHA256 is a unique SHA256 has representing these changes

Please note that if the output of the template exceeds 255 characters (git branch name limit) it will be truncated.

Specifying the user and email address for commits

Each Git commit is associated with an author's name and email address. If not configured, commits performed by Argo CD Image Updater will use argocd-image-updater <> as the author. You can override the author using the --git-commit-user and --git-commit-email command line switches or set git.user and in the argocd-image-updater-config ConfigMap.

Changing the Git commit message

You can change the default commit message used by Argo CD Image Updater to some message that best suites your processes and regulations. For this, a simple template can be created (evaluating using the text/template Golang package) and made available through setting the key git.commit-message-template in the argocd-image-updater-config ConfigMap to the template's contents, e.g.

  git.commit-message-template: |
    build: automatic update of {{ .AppName }}

    {{ range .AppChanges -}}
    updates image {{ .Image }} tag '{{ .OldTag }}' to '{{ .NewTag }}'
    {{ end -}}

Two top-level variables are provided to the template:

  • .AppName is the name of the application that is being updated
  • .AppChanges is a list of changes that were performed by the update. Each entry in this list is a struct providing the following information for each change:
  • .Image holds the full name of the image that was updated
  • .OldTag holds the tag name or SHA digest previous to the update
  • .NewTag holds the tag name or SHA digest that was updated to

In order to test a template before configuring it for use in Image Updater, you can store the template you want to use in a temporary file, and then use the argocd-image-updater template /path/to/file command to render the template using pre-defined data and see its outcome on the terminal.

Git Write-Back Target

By default, git write-back will create or update .argocd-source-<appName>.yaml.

If you are using Kustomize and want the image updates available for normal use with kustomize, you may set the write-back-target to kustomization. This method commits changes to the Kustomization file back to git as though you ran kustomize edit set image. git  # all git options are supported kustomization

You may also specify which kustomization to update with either a path relative to the project source path... "kustomization:../../base"
# if the Application spec.source.path = config/overlays/foo, this would update the kustomization in config/base 

...or absolute with respect to the repository:

# absolute paths start with / "kustomization:/config/overlays/bar"

Note that the Kustomization directory needs to be specified, not a file, like when using Kustomize.