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Update strategies

Supported update strategies

An update strategy defines how Argo CD Image Updater will find new versions of an image that is to be updated.

Argo CD Image Updater supports different update strategies for the images that are configured to be tracked and updated.

You can configure the update strategy to be used for each image individually, with the default being the semver strategy.

The following update strategies are currently supported:

  • semver - Update to the latest version of an image considering semantic versioning constraints
  • latest - Update to the most recently built image found in a registry
  • digest - Update to the latest version of a given version (tag), using the tag's SHA digest
  • name - Sorts tags alphabetically and update to the one with the highest cardinality

Some of the strategies will require additional configuration, or can be tweaked with additional parameters. Please have a look at the image configuration documentation for more details.

Mutable vs immutable tags

Please note that all update strategies except digest assume tags to be immutable and that new images will be pushed with a new, unique tag. If you want to update to mutable tags (e.g. the commonly used latest tag), you should use the digest strategy.

Update strategies in detail

semver - Update to semantic versions

This is the default strategy.

Strategy name: semver

Basic configuration: some/image[:<version_constraint>]
# Specifying update-strategy is optional, because semver is the default<image>.update-strategy: semver

The semver strategy allows you to track & update images which use tags that follow the semantic versioning scheme. Tag names must contain semver compatible identifiers in the format X.Y.Z, where X, Y and Z must be whole numbers. An optional prefix of v, e.g. vX.Y.Z is allowed, and both variants are treated equal (so, a constraint of v1.x would match a tag 1.0 and a constraint of 1.x also matches a tag v1.0).

Updating to pre-release versions (e.g. -rc1) is supported, but must be explicitly allowed (see below).

This will allow you to update to the latest version of an image within a given patch branch or minor release, or just to the latest version that has is tagged with a valid semantic version identifier.

To tell Argo CD Image Updater which versions are allowed, simply give a semver version as a constraint in the image-list annotation. For example, to allow updates to the latest patch release within the 1.2 minor release branch, use some/image:1.2.x

The above example would update to any new tag pushed to the registry matching this constraint, e.g. 1.2.5, 1.2.12 etc, but not to a new minor version (e.g. 1.3).

Likewise, to allow updates to any minor release within the major version 1, use some/image:1.x

The above example would update to any new tag pushed to the registry matching this constraint, e.g. 1.2.12, 1.3.0, 1.15.2 etc, but not to a new major version (e.g. 2.0).

If you also want to allow updates to pre-release versions (e.g. v2.0-rc1), you need to append the suffix -0 to the constraint, for example some/image:2.x-0

If no version constraint is specified in the list of allowed images, Argo CD Image Updater will pick the highest version number found in the registry.

Argo CD Image Updater will omit any tags from your registry that do not match a semantic version when using the semver update strategy.

latest - Update to the most recently built image


As of November 2020, Docker Hub has introduced pull limits for accounts on the free plan and unauthenticated requests. The latest update strategy will perform manifest pulls for determining the most recently pushed tags, and these will count into your pull limits. So unless you are not affected by these pull limits, it is not recommended to use the latest update strategy with images hosted on Docker Hub.


If you are using reproducible builds for your container images (e.g. if your build pipeline always sets the creation date of the image to the same value), the latest strategy will not be able to determine which tag to update to.

Strategy name: latest

Basic configuration: <alias>=some/image<alias>.update-strategy: latest

Argo CD Image Updater can update to the image that has the most recent build date, and is tagged with an arbitrary name (e.g. a Git commit SHA, or even a random string).

It is important to understand, that this strategy will consider the build date of the image, and not the date of when the image was tagged or pushed to the registry. If you are tagging the same image with multiple tags, these tags will have the same build date. In this case, Argo CD Image Updater will sort the tag names lexically descending and pick the last tag name of that list. For example, consider an image that was tagged with the f33bacd, dev and latest tags. You might want to have the f33bacd tag set for your application, but Image Updater will pick the latest tag name. In order to prevent such a situation, you need to further restrict the tags that Image Updater will inspect, see below.

By default, this update strategy will inspect all of the tags it found in the image's repository. If you wish to allow only certain tags to be considered for update, you will need additional configuration. For example, myimage=some/image latest regexp:^[0-9a-f]{7}$

would only consider tags that match a given regular expression for update. In this case, the regular expression matches a 7-digit hexadecimal string that could represent the short version of a Git commit SHA, so it would match tags like a5fb3d3 or f7bb2e3, but not latest or master.

Likewise, you can ignore a certain list of tags from your repository: myimage=some/image latest latest, master

This would allow for considering all tags found but latest and master. You can read more about filtering tags here.

digest - Update to the most recent pushed version of a given tag

Strategy name: digest

Basic configuration: <alias>=some/image:<tag_name><alias>.update-strategy: digest

This update strategy inspects a single tag in the registry for changes, and updates the image on any change to the previous state. The tag name to be inspected must be specified as a version constraint in the image list.

Use this update strategy if you want to follow a mutable tag, such as the commonly used latest tag, or when your CI system produces a tag named as the environment it is intended for, e.g. dev or stage or prod.

Argo CD Image Updater will then update the image when either

  • The currently running image has a non-digest specification (e.g. uses a tag), or
  • the currently used digest differs from what is found in the registry

Tags and digests

Note that the digest update strategy will use image digests for updating the image tags in your applications, so the image running in your application will appear as some/image@sha256:<somelonghashstring> instead of some/image:latest. So in your running system, the tag information will be effectively lost.

For example, the following specification would always update the image for an application on each new push of the image some/image with the tag latest: myimage=some/image:latest digest

Update according to lexical sort

Strategy name: name

Basic configuration: <alias>=some/image<alias>.update-strategy: name

This update strategy sorts the tags returned by the registry in a lexical way (by name, in descending order) and picks the last tag in the list for update. This can be useful if the image you want to track uses calver versioning, with tags in the format of e.g. YYYY-MM-DD or similar lexical sortable strings.

By default, this update strategy will inspect all of the tags it found in the image's repository. If you wish to allow only certain tags to be considered for update, you will need additional configuration. For example, myimage=some/image name regexp:^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}$

would only consider tags that match a given regular expression for update. In this case, only tags matching a date specification of YYYY-MM-DD would be considered for update.